
With Killingsworth I saw an area that was hampered and saddled with a zone that didn’t make sense. It was holding back the neighborhood and the community. So, in that sense, I saw an opportunity. I saw how Alberta and Mississippi were flourishing, and just how similar the issues were in terms of crime and a depressed environment. I said to myself, This is an opportunity. We’ve got great assets here.

We’ve got an awesome neighborhood connected to Concordia University that’s continuing to evolve. We’ve got all types of business and room for more. We’ve got great public transportation and quick access to downtown. And most importantly, we’ve got residents and businesses that want something different. I was seeing people who were yearning for something more, and I wanted to build to that. 

“I’m interested in vibrant streetscapes, diverse neighborhoods, and local businesses that turn an area into a destination.”


Kenton Hotel